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Interview with our Principal!

Updated: Nov 30, 2021

By Ariella David

How long have you been the principal at St. Joseph's Secondary School?

This is Ms. Ariganello’s second year as Principal of St. Joseph's Secondary School, and

interestingly enough, she and the grade 10’s share a similar experience regarding their first year

attending St. Joseph’s. Specifically, Ms. Ariganello’s first year as principal included minimal time

physically spent in the school building, establishing a relationship with the school faculty

virtually, creating a bond with students through google meets, essentially directing St. Joe’s in

an unexpected and challenging way, much like those who are in grade 10 who unfortunately

underwent their freshman year lacking the high school experience that they expected.

What is your favourite part about being a principal?

Ms. Ariganello receives satisfaction from her role as principal when she walks into a classroom,

witnessing students learning and working hard, along with filling their minds with knowledge that

will guide them to accomplish great things. Secondly, making decisions that will benefit students

is another aspect of her career that she is devoted to, for instance, those in grade 11 and 12 will

remember the outdated library St. Joseph’s had, however the practical furniture, numerous

outlets for charging, and fresh paint job is entirely Ms. Ariganello’s actions. Due to the entire

school learning from home, Ms. Ariganello used the empty atrium to her advantage,

constructing an entirely new library, also making improvements by changing the tennis court

outside to a basketball court, and she plans to update the 25 year old gym mural, desiring to

create a new image.

What advice would you give to the freshmen who have been accustomed to elementary

school for the past 10 years?

Ms. Ariganello encourages grade 9 students to become involved in the school community. Don't be afraid to meet new people and try new things like joining clubs and playing sports.

When you yourself were in highschool, what job did you see yourself doing in the future?

The years of highschool are meant to help guide students to find their ultimate career path, so

what did the Principal of St. Joe’s want her career path to be when she was in high school?

There were two career paths Ms. Ariganello had in mind: Pharmacy and teaching. As per her

interest in the pharmaceutical field, Ms. Ariganello took science and math courses during her

first year attending University of Toronto. Additionally, her love for English Literature, lead Ms.

Ariganello to volunteer at her own high school, Holy Name of Mary Secondary School in the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board, as well as in a grade 4 class in elementary school. She loved working with all of the students, but she was passionate about teaching English literature in secondary school.

Covid has been difficult for all of us in the school, but I cannot imagine how much of a

strain it has been on your part... What has been the biggest challenge by being remote,

and a positive aspect you enjoyed?

Ms. Ariganello loves working with people and she really missed working with students and staff in person. Being new to the school community last year, she was able to complete the library renovation and install new basketball courts during the school year while students were out of the building.

What are some of your aspirations for this school year?

Ms. Ariganello aspires to paint a mural in the school gym, but most importantly develop a

connection with the students of St. Joe’s, making up for the previous school year.

What is a tip you can give to the seniors who are now being thrusted into the “real


“ Being an administrator is truly a vocation; no matter how much work there is to be done, I am excited to come to work every day because I work with amazing students and staff." Ms. Ariganello encourages students to use their God-given talents and do what they love to do!

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